People always asking dentists,why they have crowded teeth specially in front teeth.The Crowding of teeth is divided into primary,secondary and tertiary.if you read them all you can have imagination of all causes.
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People always asking dentists,why they have crowded teeth specially in front teeth.The Crowding of teeth is divided into primary,secondary and tertiary.if you read them all you can have imagination of all causes.
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Your dentist says you need to have your wisdom teeth taken out. But they don’t hurt, you say, so why remove them?
These days, oral surgery to remove wisdom teeth is a standard practice — almost a rite of passage for young adults. It’s not always necessary, though. Read more
Why some tooth extraction are difficult than the others ?? This is the question the patients frequently asks their dentist … as why some of their teeth come off easily and quickly while others seem to be tedious and painful.
How difficult an extraction is will depend on you, your mouth, the tooth and the dentist. Here are some factors to think about: